2022August 14 -

Build a body that can withstand the heat! 6 acupuncture points to eliminate summer fatigue

2022August 14 -

In the hot summer, the body is deprived of more and more moisture, and before you know it, it is dry. I'm sluggish and unmotivated...
Introducing such "effective for summer fatigue" acupuncture points! All of them are things that you can push yourself, so if you feel unwell, let's solve them with a pressure point.

6 "effective summer fatigue" acupuncture points


The spring spring is located in the center of the hollow called "person" that is formed when the fingers are bent on the sole of the foot.
It is a spring of energy and is said to be effective against all diseases.
3Press firmly with the thumbs of both hands until the spring is warm at intervals of seconds.
Since the accumulated fatigue is reset, it is also effective for sluggishness that comes from summer fatigue.


It is located four fingers below the knee, behind the tibia (where the little finger hits when the thumb is placed on the shin).
It hurts a little when you press it, but use your thumb to push and rub it slowly with a little force.
If you press and rub for a while, you will gradually get rid of fatigue and feel your body becoming lighter.
In addition to relieving fatigue, it can also be expected to improve immunity and detox effect.
It is an energetic acupuncture point that restores loss of appetite and physical weakness caused by summer fatigue.


"Nakakan" is located in the middle of the navel and solar plexus, where the left and right ribs stick together.
It promotes digestion and absorption and is effective in restoring appetite. It also helps with symptoms such as stomach pain and nausea.
Let's imagine rubbing rather than pushing, and apply force little by little as you exhale.


If you have a bad gastrointestinal condition such as diarrhea or constipation, press "Sekimoto".
The location is on the center line of the body four fingers below the navel.
Gently and slowly push it so that the fat is lightly dented.


The depressions on both sides of the center of the neck, above the collarbone, are the "air chambers".
It tones the stomach and relieves stomach pain and nausea.
Relax your shoulders and push both acupressure points at the same time, slightly harder.
Acupressure while warming will be more effective, so it is recommended to apply acupressure when bathing.


Four or more fingers from the inner malleolus, and acupressure points in the bones (you can feel the sound of thumping and dents when pressed).
It is known as a pressure point that is effective for poor circulation and is said to be effective for women's problems such as swelling and irregular menstruation.
It is important to warm it, so you can wrap it in a foot bath or leg warmer.
When pressing the pressure point, wrap it in the palm of your hand to warm it, and put force on your thumb. It is the first pressure point you want to press when the body is cold due to air conditioning.